
Affiliate Codes

Please find relevant information here regarding our thoughts on coupon, discount, and affiliate codes for all our products sold online.

Coupon and Discount Codes

At Barlow’s Tackle, we believe in making things simple. That’s why we offer everyday low prices on all our fishing tackle components and lure building supplies. When you shop with us, you won’t need to waste time searching for discount codes or waiting for a special promotion to get a great deal.

We want your tackle building to be hassle-free. That means giving you confidence that you’re getting the best possible prices. We keep our prices consistently low, so you don’t have to worry about missing out on a hidden discount. In fact, we’re confident you’ll find our prices are some of the lowest you’ll see online.

That’s why we don’t use traditional coupon or discount codes on our website. When you shop with us, you can be certain the prices you see on our website are the same low prices every one of our customers pays.

Barlow’s Tackle Affiliates

We’re more than just a tackle shop – we’re lure builders too! We’ve been building tackle for years, and our goal is to share that knowledge and experience with you. We want to help you achieve success with your own custom lures.

That’s where our affiliates come in. While we don’t use coupons or discount codes, we do use codes to support our affiliates. These aren’t just random companies – they’re fellow lure builders who share your passion. They create amazing tackle and even better “how-to” content to show you the ropes. We partner with them for a few reasons:

To Support Their Craft: We believe in helping lure builders hone their craft and share their skills. Whether beginner or seasoned expert, every lure builder can learn from our community.

To Share Their Knowledge: Our affiliates create valuable tutorials and how-to content that can help you take your lure building to the next level. You can learn from their expertise and use it in your own creations.

To Build a Stronger Community: By supporting our affiliates, we’re helping to connect you with other passionate lure builders. This fosters a sense of community and allows you to learn from each other.

When you purchase through an affiliate link or their affiliate code, they receive a small commission. This doesn’t affect the price you pay, but it helps them continue creating great content for the community.

It’s a win-win! You get access to top-notch fishing tackle, expert advice, and a supportive community, while our affiliates are rewarded for their passion. It’s all part of the Barlow’s Tackle commitment to supporting the entire fishing community.

Affiliate Affiliate Code Expertise Website YouTube Instagram
Baker Builds BAKERBUILDS Airbrush Lure Painting
Smalljaw SMALLJAW Bass Jigs, Powder Painting
SDG Custom Lurecraft SDGCUSTOM Soft Baits, Jigs, Powder Painting, Spinnerbaits
Tall Timber Bait Co. TALLTIMBER Crappie Jigs
Jig Is Up Lurecraft JIGISUP Bass Jigs
Texas Cajun Outdoors TEXCAJUN Crappie Jigs
B8N Tackle B8NTACKLE Bass Jigs, Crappie Jigs, Soft Baits, Spinnerbaits
Fools Gold Fishing FOOLSGOLD Saltwater Jigs
Kast Queen Jigs KASTQUEEN Bass Jigs, Powder Painting
DH Baits DHBAITS Airbrush Lure Painting
Klondike Custom Creations KLONDIKE Wooden Baits
Start Fishing Today STARTFISHINGTODAY Saltwater Jigs, Soft Baits
In To The Woods N2THEWOODS Soft Baits 
CR Baits CRBAITS Powder Painting, Jigs
Dork Fish Tackle DORKFISHTACKLE Bass Jigs, Soft Baits, Powder Painting
3F Custom Lures 3FCUSTOM Airbrush Lure Painting
SolidRock Outdoors SOLIDROCK Jigs

How Affiliate Codes Work: When shopping directly on the Barlow’s Tackle website, once you have everything selected in your cart, go to the checkout page. There you will see a space to input an affiliate code. Just apply one of the appropriate affiliate codes listed above to help support our avid fishing community. Please select the affiliate you feel has helped you the most in expanding your how-to fishing knowledge. That’s it! We appreciate your support. Keep on fishing!